Friday, April 27, 2012

In Which We Discover That Patience Is Not My Strongest Suit

Bought a book from Amazon; the latest Stephen King.
Waited, none too patiently, the mailman didn't bring
Us the book I'd purchased back at Christmas. Now I must
Go and buy another one...  You'll understand, I trust.

Think I'll buy the Kindle type, although it's $13 bucks.
Know the pictures aren't as good but that thing neatly tucks
Into any pocket and, for Stephen, that's quite rare.
Sure, you may have bought the book, but I just got a pair.

Not as crazy as it sounds. The first one is a gift.
Gave it to my sister so I'd have to wait my shift.
Patience, it's quite plain to see, is not my strongest suit.
Too late now to change my ways; an old and stubborn coot.

Thankfully, my ever loving husband, Mr. S.
Knows that fact about me and, apparently, cares less.
Oops, I have to go now... Won't be back until I'm done.
Mailman may be late, but Kindle's through downloading one.


  1. LOL! You sound almost as patient as my husband. :)

    1. The patience your spouse and I lack
      Exposes us both to attack.
      'tis virtuous, true.
      But, luckily, you
      Sound like you have cut him some slack.

