Like my other football rhyme - this one's rather old
Back, before the Giants beat us, I was feeling bold
When, for one, brief, shining moment, my coach cracked a smile
Don't think that we'll see its like again now for awhile.
They don't recognize the man they've seen around the town.
'That cannot be Belichick; he doesn't wear a frown.
That guy there is smiling and he doesn't have a hood.
That guy's telling jokes; his press relations have been good.
Therefore, that's not Belichick. No way. It couldn't be.'
If it is however, and he's happy - fine with me.
Hope the coach enjoys this ride, for gods know that he's earned it.
(As for that red hoodie from '08? I hear he burned it.)
'That cannot be Belichick; he doesn't wear a frown.
That guy there is smiling and he doesn't have a hood.
That guy's telling jokes; his press relations have been good.
Therefore, that's not Belichick. No way. It couldn't be.'
If it is however, and he's happy - fine with me.
Hope the coach enjoys this ride, for gods know that he's earned it.
(As for that red hoodie from '08? I hear he burned it.)