Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The 112th Congress - Making Sausage

Cartoon by Christopher Weyant of The Hill and The New Yorker

Politicking, posturing - they pander to the press.
Every day the two sides drifting further from success.
Racing towards the fiscal cliff like lemmings to the sea,
Leaving me concerned we've got a broken polity.

Maybe this is sausage making and I shouldn't look;
Simply close my eyes and hope that I can trust the cook.
Even should I choose that course, I fear the markets won't.
I may trust the government; the Dow and NASDAQ don't.

They don't think that, privately, there's progress being made
As their hopes that we'll avoid the cliff begin to fade.
Congress may  produce a tasty sausage we can try,
But it looks like not before we see pigs learn to fly.

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