Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Like Watching Real Housewives

 Image result for remember when sarah palin was the craziest

Mr. S. refuses to watch any more debates:
Says it won't affect his choice between the candidates,
Thinks it's ugly spectacle and his last nerve is frayed,
Doesn't have the will to listen. His decision's made.

We don't watch Survivor or Big Brother on TV,
Neither of us fans of that so-called "reality."
This election's started feeling very much like those,
Sorta like the worst of our least favorite kinda shows.

I can see my husband's point about tonight, I guess.
Still, I've set the DVR's record to PBS.
Just because I wouldn't vote for Donald on a bet
Doesn't mean I want to miss how bad this thing could get.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Don't Blame Cincinnati

Image result for new england vs cincinnati

Cincinnati's Bengals played New England yesterday.
'though they lost to us the thing their record doesn't say 
Is that they are very good...  Much better than I thought.
Problem is, with Brady back, they didn't stand a shot.

The first half was worrisome; poor Tom kept getting sacked
'til Hightower's Safety gave the Pats the spark they lacked.
Once you give Tom Brady any time - at all - to throw
It is nearly certain how the game is gonna go.

Bengals don't play like a team whose record's 2 and 4.
They were better than what is reflected by the score.
'though they lost by 18 points, the Bengals came to play.
It's not their fault they were standing in New England's way.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Autumn Days

Image result for autumn leaves

There is nothing prettier, to me, than Autumn days
When the sun, from deep blue skies, has set the trees ablaze.
Leaves of scarlet, golden yellows, oranges like flame
Licking at the green of summer it will quickly claim.

In a week these sparks of color will consume the trees
'til the leaves give up and waft away upon a breeze.
Perfect days in Autumn, may seem few and far between
But they are the most amazing thing you've ever seen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trumpettes? Really?

Image result for tearing my hair out

How are there still women who would vote for Donald Trump?
That thought makes me want to tear my hair out in a clump.
He's a pompous, narcissistic, self-promoting pig...
Have these women missed the news? I'm gonna need a wig.

How could they support this guy? We've all known jerks like him:
Self-entitled SOBs who, when the lights are dim,
Grab or grope or whisper something vulgar in our ear.
Could it be The Trump is sounding...  Armageddon's here?

Otherwise, I can't explain how anyone at all
Still supports The Donald...  It's the middle of the Fall.
I'm not scared of Halloween but this Election Day
I'll be voting Hillary then go to church and pray. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy 19th Birthday Darlin'

My handsome, smart, funny, youngest son and his dad.
This birthday's the last one I'm the mother of a teen;
19 years ago our son arrived upon the scene...
We thought he was perfect then and, frequently, still do.
I cannot believe - next year - his age will start with 2.

Our poor son will always be my little boy to me,
Never mind the fact that he's already 6 foot 3
(Plus, I swear, the boy's still growing taller everyday)
And the brownish hair I had is now completely gray.

Evidence the years are quickly passing I ignore
Even as I wish our son a happy hundred more.
But, if I should live to see that, hope it won't annoy
Him to learn that, even then, he'll be my little boy.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Lesson Learned

Image result for sports gods 2

Yesterday, to my dismay, New England lost their game
And, if we are being honest, I'm the one to blame.
'though I knew I, foolishly, continued on undaunted
Violating two sports gods commandments 'cause I taunted.

I confess to gloating, too.  My sins led to our loss.
Patriots were doomed right from the starting coin toss.
Football games take more than skill. You need a lot of luck.
Now I know how Jets fans feel all year... That's gotta suck.

Sorry! Please forgive me sports gods.  I was out of line.
Let the penalty for taunting Jets fans be just mine.
I won't even gloat now that Tom Brady has returned...
I've no wish to risk your wrath.  My lesson has been learned.