Thursday, June 28, 2018

The SCOTUS Blues

Image result for scotus kennedy memes

Funny (I mean funny "strange" and not the "ha ha" kind)
How fast Mitch McConnell can completely change his mind
About how elections matter when you choose a judge...
I can understand why Democrats may hold a grudge.

Donald Trump will get to pick his second nominee
For a seat on SCOTUS. They're a lifetime appointee;
Meaning that for 30 years or more the court will lean
To the right as it's deciding what our laws should mean.

I guess I cannot be shocked by this hypocrisy;
Just one more of many wounds to our democracy.
Maybe it's the weather for, although I should be mad,
I can barely muster up the energy for sad.

Monday, June 25, 2018

TDS - Getting Sicker by the Day

Image result for trump derangement syndrome

"You've got Trump Derangement Syndrome," diagnosed my son...
I'm afraid he's right because I tend to come undone
Anytime I hear what else our current president
Said (while his supporters claim "that wasn't what he meant.")

With this new, post-factual environment we're in
I'm becoming deafened by the ever present din
From the White House... Now I've got a ringing in my ears,
My blood pressure's through the roof. I'm frequently in tears.

I am prone to bouts of screaming when I watch the news;
My head spins at diametrically opposing views,
And I'm having trouble seeing how we fix this mess...
Crap! On top of Seussilitis, I've got TDS. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

FLOTUS on a Mission

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"I really don't care. Do U?" Melania's coat read.
Wonder what was going through the First Lady's staff's head.
That is not the message that I'd think they'd want to send.
Even if the White House doesn't care, can't they pretend?

Donald Trump claims she was just expressing her disdain
For the "main-stream media" and not for children's pain.
That strikes me as just another presidential lie...
I don't trust a word he says but, if not that, then why?

Why on earth would anyone emblazon such a phrase
On their back? Their lack of sense continues to amaze.
That's the kind of thing I'd be expecting from a troll.
Never thought I'd live to see the FLOTUS in that role.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Suffer the Little Children...

Image result for crying immigrant children separated from parents
(Photo courtesy of The Washington Post)

I've been hearing Donald Trump's supporters justify
Tearing little children from their parents when they try
Crossing at the U.S. border, hoping to obtain
Safety and asylum here...  They're making me insane.

How dare they start spouting scripture at me? In God's name
Have these so called "Christian people" got so little shame
That they'd countenance the use of children to advance
Funding for a border wall?  That seems to be their stance.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump keeps lying; blaming Democrats
And his friends on FOX have claimed the whiny, little brats,
Torn away from parents' arms are "acting" when they cry.
Is there nothing sacred to the folks who back this guy?

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ruining a Perfectly Nice Walk

Image result for golf meme funny

I've been on the golf course twice this year...  It wasn't good.
I am old and out of practice; shanked my 7 wood.
Couldn't hit my driver straight - the ball kept going right,
Sailing off into the trees or rough and out of sight.

"Why would you keep playing golf?" I hear you asking me.
And, I must confess that it's a total mystery
Why someone would play a game that damages the soul...
Unless you have felt the joy of birdying a hole.

Once you've sunk a tricky putt or hit a pretty shot,
Playing "in the zone" - it is not easily forgot.
Which is how the golf gods suck you in but, once you are,
They will make you pay in sweat and tears for every par.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Even Tom Clancy Couldn't Make This Sh!t Up

 Image result for trump memes g7

Donald Trump's a thin-skinned bully who can dish it out
But can't take it; no clue what diplomacy's about.
He's attacking NATO and G7 (make that 6)
Allied nations - while excusing Russia's dirty tricks.

Trump's a raging bull inside a global China shop.
Now we're only waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He's flown off to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong-un...
Gee! What could go wrong with that?  I guess we'll find out soon.

Welcome to the new world order, a la Donald Trump;
One where the United States drops trou' and takes a dump
On the countries which have had our back for all these years.
Trump's A Clear and Present Danger - Sum of my worst fears.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Look Out World

 Image result for oktoberfest meme funny

I now clutch my brand new passport in my sweaty grip...
Empty pages beg for stamps; it's time to take a trip.
If he had his druthers, Mr. S. would rather stay
Here at home. He doesn't like to go too far away.

Luckily, my younger siblings have the travel bug...
When I start to feel the pull of distant places tug
One of them is sure to also want to come along;
Nice to be with those you love if anything goes wrong.

So, the only question left is where we ought'a go.
Brother wants Oktoberfest in Gemany, although
I've heard that it's crowded; filled with drunken college kids.
I think that I'd rather go and see the pyramids...

Or go on safari or to Italy or Spain -
See if rain is really falling mainly on the plain.
Maybe I can talk my younger brother into Rome.
We can find drunk college students staying here at home.