Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Free Press - Front-line Soldiers in the Culture War

 Image result for free press meme

If you've read my rhymes before than you are well aware
I'm concerned the fabric of our nation's gonna tear.
We're divided into camps who cannot get along;
Each of us convinced the other side has got it wrong.

We can't even seem to all agree on basic facts;
True or false depends on how the president reacts
Which depends on how his friends on FOX report their "news"
Based on some conspiracy as asinine as Q's.

Donald Trump continues to attack the 4th Estate,
Saying they're the reason why America's not great.
He's called them "disgusting...traitors." Claims reports are "fake"
Anytime he doesn't like the news, for heaven's sake!

What about the evidence out there for all to see?
What about objective truth or plain reality?
Hard to spin the cold, hard facts ('though Giuliani tries)
Can't ignore that Donald Trump is telling voters lies.

Yet, somehow, the president has managed to convince
His supporters they should not believe reporters, since
They're all out to get him with their slanderous attack
And he needs true blue Americans to have his back.

So, they all fall in to line and truth's a casualty
In this culture war Trump's launched against a press that's free.
Journalists are patriots.  They're holding down the fort.
They deserve our gratitude and have my full support.

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