Monday, December 04, 2017

The Best Tax Plan Money Can Buy


Looks like the Republicans' new tax bill's a done deal.
It will give big corporations licenses to steal.
They get permanent relief for sitting on their butts;
Middle class gets screwed, again, with temporary cuts.

Corporation leaders have no plans to reinvest;
They've said that they'll buy back stocks and pay down interest.
No new jobs or higher wages on the drawing board.
Still, they'll get a tax break that the country can't afford.

Bernie Sanders called it "looting..." I tend to agree.
Debt grows by a $1,000,000,000,000.00.  (Trillion, with a T.)
GOP says wealth will "trickle down" and help the poor
Even though that's never worked when we've tried it before.

I fear it's too late to stop it... Pointless to resist,
Since the wealthy donors to Republicans insist
That, if they don't pass this bill, the money well runs dry.
Now they'll get the best tax cuts their lobbyists could buy.